"A groundwater protection bill introduced last week by state Sen. Mark Miller, D-Monona, and state Rep. Spencer Black, D-Madison, on the surface appears to be a no-brainer, if you believe everything in the news releases from environmental groups touting the legislation.
The bill, according to the Wisconsin Waters Coalition, would "provide the means to ensure a responsible, balanced use of our groundwater supplies." Who could argue with the need to do that?
Building off the Groundwater Protection Act of 2004, the legislation would close gaps in current law that allow "excessive pumping" by large irrigation and municipal wells, according to the environmental group Clean Wisconsin. The bill would authorize state government to identify groundwater management areas in locales with severely drawn-down aquifers, and local councils would be appointed to come up with ways to preserve a plentiful water supply..."
Read more of this opinion piece at The Country Today newspaper.
For more stories on the legislation, click here.

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